Articles and videos that document our positions.
Election integrity
- Election integrity in one page.
- Addressing some top election integrity concerns.
- Seth Keshel: The ten points to true election integrity.
- No proof of election fraud? Proof now confirmed by Georgia election officials. And Williamson County’s 2021 “Tennessee Error” is part of that validation.
- ‘The most secure election in American history…’
- Republican National Committee (RNC) and TVEI agree on the security, transparency and integrity of our elections: Resolution.
Voting machines
- Thirteen similarities between Dominion and ES&S voting machine systems.
- Why citizens should be hesitant to trust the WCEC’s assessment of a machine-based voting system.
- Despite what you’ve been told, VPNs can’t really protect vote centers.
- Numerous data hacks costing millions of dollars disprove the security of our vote centers, VPNs and the safety of our vote.
- Election machines can be hacked so get rid of them. Or at least take them through a Security Risk Evaluation.
- Williamson County Election Commission refuses to study cost comparison of paper vs. machine voting systems.
- Why Commissioner Chris Richards is against the WCEC’s proposal to buy more voting machines.
- Commissioner Mary Smith voices concerns about certain WCEC election processes and purchasing more machines.
- ES&S rental contracts (3): Initial (3/1/22-2/28/23); More machines (7/1/22-2/28/23); Extension (3/1/23-6/30/23)
- Dominion Voting System contract Williamson County (9/4/19)
- A majority of Tennessee counties – and citizens – vote on DREs… so there are no paper ballots separate from machines to cleanly verify or audit the vote.
Ballot Marking Devices (BMDs)
- Cyber analyst Alex Halderman hacks ballot marking device in front of judge during Atlanta trial
- Nineteen reports, nineteen reasons and one-hundred-seventy-eight footnotes why Ballot Marking Devices (BMDs) are a bad technology if you’re concerned with election integrity.
- Freedom to Tinker: Security analysis of the Dominion ImageCast X by Alex Halderman
- Unsealed Halderman Georgia security analysis
Vote centers
- Election voter turnout 2004-2024.
- How precinct voting is easily achieved with no BMDs or internet connections
- Despite what you’ve been told, VPNs can’t really protect vote centers.
- Voter centers are an opening for deceit; we must return to precinct voting so the vote process can be better secured.
- Tennessee Coordinator of Elections affirms vote centers don’t increase voter turnout nor save counties money. And the forced reduction in voting locations questions claims of actual convenience.
Voter rolls
- Williamson County Voter Roll Canvas Report 2023
- Voter roll data integrity is a concern; Tennessee must be more aggressive in protecting the vote registration process
- Partial list US locations moving from machines to hand-marked paper ballots and counts
- The answer to long voting lines: Hand-marked paper ballots beat BMDs hands down.
- Without hand-marked, high-security paper ballots, our system is highly susceptible to false ballots being inserted into our elections
Williamson County
- Citizens’ Truth Review (Williamson County Group’s dive into WCEC biased and misleading information).
- Concerns found in the March 5 2024 Williamson County election that need to be addressed.
- March 5 2024 Williamson County post-election data chart.
- Data and chain of custody problems found in March 5 2024 Williamson County election.
- What happened in the October 26, 2021 Franklin Alderman election wasn’t pretty
- The 2022 primaries in Williamson County were better than October 2021, but improvements are still needed.
- Time study regarding use of Williamson County voting system.
- More election truths the WCEC didn’t share with Commissioners.
- Why we’ve become hesitant to trust the Williamson County Election Commission.
- Here’s the due diligence about The Elections Group the Williamson County Election Commission won’t tell you about.
- Despite changing election equipment vendors, a large number of election problems remain in Williamson County elections.
- Delinquent documents from multiple open records requests of both WCEC and Tenn. Secretary of State and Tenn. Elections Coordinators offices.
- Williamson County voting 101: The voting computer system we must use to vote.
- Williamson County voting 101: The scanner/tabulator that counts our votes in an election.
- Secretary of State Tre Hargett tells Williamson County to remove Dominion voting machines
Tennessee State Election Commission (SEC)
- The Tennessee State Election Commission cares little about election integrity.
- Election voter turnout 2002-2024.
- The behavior of the Tennessee Secretary of State and his election integrity team proves their mission statement is nothing but a bunch of words.
- Facts burst the bubble: Tennessee definitely has election integrity issues.
Election Assistance Commission (EAC)
- Best practices and standards for election audits.
- Why an operational audit will ensure election integrity among election commission operations statewide.
Hand counting
Security Risk Evaluation
Best Practices
Voting machines
- Cybersecurity expert J. Alex Halderman tells Congress that all voting machines can be hacked anywhere anytime by anyone (1:15).
- Congressional members testify voting machines can change votes (2:05).
- South Dakota IT expert exposes ES&S software & hardware vulnerabilities being ignored by election officials (March 19, 2024)(5:13).
- Whistle-blowers and experts who have tested the machines agree: Voting machines are designed to be exploited (3:45)
- Computer programmer Clint Curtis testifies about his work developing vote switching software (Mint Press News) (11:59).
- Computer programmer who developed vote switching software stresses removing all election machines (Clint Curtis) (7:00).
- VoterGA January 7, 2025 press conference: We must unplug Dominion voting systems (1:44:46).
- Whistle blower exposes ES&S lies (Conservative Daily/David Clements [March 28, 2024]) (1:00:32)
- Cyber analyst Shawn Smith explains the documented vulnerabilities of the US voting system that election officials won’t tell you about (1:04:59)
- Voting machines can be infected with malware to change votes (5:16).
- Why no county should use electronic voting systems (Col. Shawn Smith, USAF, Ret.) (3:44)
- ES&S VP Security affirms no machine is safe from hacking (2022 Louisiana Voting System Commission testimony) (0:27).
- ES&S CEO confirms they use Asian/Chinese parts in their voting machines (NBC News) (2:29)
- Voting Machines: Enemy inside the wire (Col. Shawn Smith, USAF, Ret.) (28:25)
- Six reasons why computers should not be used in elections according to election computer scientist Dr. Walter Daugherity (49:36)
- Three minutes why voting machines are the opposite of election integrity (3:00)
- The Arizona Ballot Integrity Project Ballot (AZ Rep. Mark Finchem) (3:09)
- Halderman affirms that ballots and audits are crucial to election integrity (1:52)
- Election Coordinator Goins affirms security of precinct voting (0:30) and SoS Hargett approves counties moving to hand-marked paper ballots vs. ballot marking devices (0:14).
Vote Centers
- Political observer Scott Adams on the purpose of voting machines (0:51).
- Frank Limpus interview 4th Annual Cause of America Election Summit (August 20, 2024)(10:21).
- Election security: Two cyber experts (Clay Parikh & Kris Jurski) discuss Florida’s voting computers (Dec 11, 2023)(1:54:01).
- United Sovereign Americans chairman affirms ‘the most secure election in American history…’ wasn’t. (Zoom testimony 1:08:59)
- Williamson County Citizens profiles Tennessee Voters for Election Integrity (8:37).
- Tennessee Voters For Election Integrity podcast (26:16).
- Let my people go (Professor David Clements Full Documentary)(2:16:08).
- Fingerprints of Fraud (Jeff O’Donnell)(2:00:00).
- Kill Chain: The cyberwar for America’s elections (HBO 2020 Full Documentary)(1:31:19).
- Hacking Democracy (HBO 2006 Full Documentary)(1:21:58).
- America is a Republic, not a Democracy (Dan Smoot broadcast April 18, 1966).
- Voting equipment by Tennessee county
- Williamson County Citizens
- Cause of America
- United Sovereign Americans
- Election Integrity Network/Conservative Partnership Institute/Cleta Mitchell “Who’s Counting?” podcast
- Tennessee Conservative News
- The Federalist
- UncoverDC
- Promoting American election integrity — The Media Balance Newsletter