A call for support:

Helping Tennesseans fight for election integrity.

For several years now, Tennessee Voters for Election Integrity has researched voting machines, voter rolls, vote centers and other voting processes, advocating for needed changes that greatly improve the transparency and integrity of our county’s, state’s and country’s voting systems.

We’ve accomplished much. But there is so much more that needs to be achieved:

  • A complete return to precinct voting vs. vote center voting;
  • Conducting the much-requested feasibility study for adding hand-marked paper ballots into the county’s voting process since the Williamson County Election Commission decided to abandon the effort;
  • Cleaner voter rolls that require a continuous supply of updated county and state voter data to ensure that what election commissions say they’re doing in giving citizens clean voter rolls is truly being done;
  • A continued effort to de-machine our county’s and state’s voting system because of the proven vulnerabilities of these machines; and
  • A tireless determination to better educate the election commission, all public officials, the election integrity-deniers and all citizens to the facts behind the vulnerabilities that currently infect our voting system.

Would you consider helping us, since most of our objectives will now necessitate legal support?

We are not a 501(c)3 non-profit and no one in this group is paid. In the past, our costs have been borne by our own pocketbooks. This broader focus, however, is costlier. We calculate at this moment we’ll need $10,000 in the next few months.

We are crowdsourcing this effort and all of our members have already chipped in, pushing us towards our goal.Any amount you can donate — $10, $15, $50, $100, $500 – will help us better secure safe voting systems here in Williamson County and Tennessee.Our campaign is titled “Helping Tennesseans fight for election integrity.”

Thank you.


A better, more secure voting model for Tennessee elections.


What you can do to help election integrity.


Our presentations are constantly changing as new information is revealed through our continuous research.


Whitepapers and videos that document our positions.